
Hey! Throw your textbooks away.
You better watch what you say.
No son of mine’s gonna talk that way.
Hey! Throw your makeup away
And set flames to your screenplay.
No son of mine’s gonna be gay.

Like what you like
Live your own life

Hey! Throw your instruments away
And toss your board games.
You’ll find no son of mine in the fucking bike lane.
Hey! And if you lose your way,
You’ve only got yourself to blame.
You can all be yourselves in the exact same way!

Like what you like
Live your own life

No boys will play house in mine.
No toy men that do not fight.
Go to work and do your time.
Go home and mistreat your wife.
Cut your hair just like mine.
Shut your mouth and step in line.
One day I’ll pick you a fight
And send you overseas to die!

Like what you like
Live your own life

manly lyrics